Have I Told You About the Pilot Interest Meeting on Feb. 8th?

We are getting together to talk about the Pilot of peculiar in just a couple of weeks.

I am super-stoked about it. (Does anyone say “super-stoked”?). We are looking for people interested in being in the cast, or a part of the crew. There is tons of behind the scenes stuff to be done.

So, 7:30 PM Feb 8th at First Orlando, room WC 132-134.

I’ve gotten a few emails about it already. Some of the questions are about what kind of castI need. it is primarily people who can play 18-24 year olds. This is room for a few non traditional students, and the coffee shop/cafe’ scenes can have some families, but mainly the on camera people we need are that young adult age. There are a few adult characters like teachers and parents. I will post up a part list for the pilot in a couple of days.

As far as technical crew goes, we have several people who can run camera. We need some audio folks. We needs grips and gaffers.

Other crew will range from props and costumes to someone that can help coordinate food. Administrative help, Production Assistants, and more.

So if you are in the central Florida area and are interested, I’d love to see you at the meeting.

Josh Kessler Joins the Cast of the Preview Project

Joshua Kessler has been cast in the role of Blake Goodman for our preview/demo video. He’s done both theater and video work, and we are excited to be working with him on this project. He has worked at Universal Resorts, The Holy Land Experience, and the upcoming TV Show Gamestore.

We are going to be shooting a few scenes from the pilot as sort of a mini trailer to help us show what the series will be about. The goal is to shoot the preview and start building support. Write the rest of the season’s episodes, build a prayer support group, have an open audition. And then next year, early Spring or late Winter we will start shooting. Post in the Summer with a Fall release.