Thank You!

I know the pilot isn’t done yet, but I wanted to take some time to thank the people who helped get me this far. No money. No food. Long hours. They all worked together to help me with the vision God has given me. I will never forget them. I don’t think I can convey my gratitude enough.

George Livings who encouraged me, and helped me with the script. Torry Martin, who took time to help me make a better story. Jaye Gragg and Dawn West who were great with advice and helped behind the scenes (or as extras if necessary.)

The crew: Stephen Brandt was at every shoot, and willing to do what ever was needed behind or in front of the camera. Jeff Atkisson was also at every shoot, bringing his own gear to make the shots better. And Bobby Falconnier who helped with one of the bigger shoots.

The cast, each of which gave up long hours and delivered great performances. Josh Kessler, Kaleia Giancini, Steve Bleiler, Melanie Turner, Becky Abu Rahmeh, Joel Coffey, Tony Dietterick, Joan Peterson and Gordon Hooper. And my son, Jeff Link.

Background actors who helped make the scenes more real. Lamar Washington, Susan Lawson, Xiomara Seliga, Danielle Manna, Sharon Coffey, and Mario Giancini.

When I stop to think about what has already been accomplished with these guys,I am overwhelmed.

Thank you.

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